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Piggy Bank & Love Heart

Planning a Future

On Valentine’s Day, most people focus on flowers, champagne, and chocolates, but how many people consider their financial future together? Caitlyn discusses a few important considerations.


Time is Precious

Money is a commodity that we can’t live without. As a result, we tend to focus a lot of our time on getting, and then keeping, our money. This only make sense. We work hard and don’t want to lose what we have earned.


The universal reward of time and patience

In Leo Tolstoy’s great novel ‘War and Peace,’ a Russian general charged with defeating Napoleon and expelling the French from Russian soil argued against rushing into battle, saying the strongest of all warriors were “time and patience.”

Tea Leaves

Reading the Tea Leaves

Investors at year-end are inclined to reflect on the 12 months gone and muse on what the coming year might bring. Aware of this appetite for speculation, the media tends to feed it with forecasts. These articles can be fun to read, but are even more so a year later.